Dicotyledonous plants have cambium which brings about secondary growth resulting in thickening of the stem and root hence providing support.

Role of support tissues in young and old plant

Plants are held upright by strengthening tissues


They are found below the epidermis. They form the bulk of packing tissue within the plant between other tissues . They are tightly packed and turgid they provide support.


Their cell walls have additional cellulose deposited in the corners. This provides them with extra mechanical strength.

Sclerenchyma –

Their cells are dead due to large deposits of lignin on the primary cell wall. The lignified wall is thick and inner lumen is small, hence provide support. Sclerenchyma fibres are arranged in elongated and in longitudinal sheets giving extra support. They are found in mature plants. Vessels are thick-walled tubes with lignin deposited in them. They give support and strength to the plant. Tracheids are spindle-shaped cells arranged with ends overlapping. Their walls are lignified. They help to support and strengthen the plant.

Plants with weak stems obtain their support in the following ways.

Some have twinning stems which grow around objects which they come into contact with.

Support and Movement in Animals

Necessity for support and movement in animals.

Animals move from place to place:

To look for mates and breeding grounds. The skeleton, which is a support structure helps to maintain the shape of the body.

Types and Functions of Skeletons

Two main types will be considered. These are exoskeleton and endoskeleton.


Exoskeleton is hard outer covering of arthropods made up of mainly chitin. Which is secreted by epidermal cells and hardens on secretion.

It is strengthened by addition of other substances e.g. tannins and proteins to become hard and rigid.

On the joints such as those in the legs the exoskeleton is thin and flexible to allow for movement.

Functions of Exoskeleton


It forms an internal body framework. This is a type of skeleton characteristic of all vertebrates. The endoskeleton is made of cartilage, bone or both. It is made up of living tissues and grows steadily as animal grows. Muscles are attached on the skeleton. The muscles are connected to bones by ligaments. The functions of endoskeleton include support, protection and movement. Locomotion in a finned fish e.g. tilapia.

Most of the fishes are streamlined and have backward directed fins to reduce resistance due to water.

External features-of Tilapia

Scales tapers towards the back and overlap forwards to provide a smooth surface for a streamlined body.

Slimy mucous enables the fish to escape predators and protects the scales from getting wet. The pectoral and pelvic fins are used mainly for steering, ensuring that the fish is balanced. They assist the fish to change direction. The dorsal and anal fins keep the fish upright preventing it from rolling sideways.

The caudal or tail fin has a large surface area, and displaces a lot of water when moved sideways creating forward movement of the fish.

In order to change position in water the fish uses the swim bladder. When filled with air the relative density of the body is lowered and the fish moves up in the water. When air is expelled, the relative density rises and the fish sinks to a lower level. Swimming action in fish is brought about by contraction of muscle blocks (myotomes). These muscles are antagonistic when those on the left contract, those on the right relax.

Mammalian skeleton

The mammalian skeleton is divided into two:

Axial and appendicular. Axial skeleton is made up of the skull and the vertebral column.

Appendicular skeleton is made up of the pelvic and pectoral girdles and limbs (hind limb and forelimbs).

The Axial Skeleton

This consists of the

The Skull

The skull is made up of cranium and facial bones. The cranium; encloses and protects the brain. It is made up of many bones joined together by immovable joints. The facial bones consists of the upper and lower jaws.

Sternum and ribs –

The Vertebral Column

The vertebral column is made up of bones called vertebrae placed end to end. The vertebrae articulate with one another at the articulating facets. In between one vertebra and another is the cartilaginous material called intervertebal disc. The discs act as shock absorbers and allow for slight movement. Each vertebra consists of a centrum and a neural arch which projects into a neural spine. The neural canal is the cavity enclosed by the centrum and the neural arch. The spinal cord is located inside the canal.

Type and number of vertebrae in human and rabbit

Lumbar (Upper Abdomen)

Sacral (Lower Abdomen)

Cervical Vertebrae

These are found in the neck region of a mammal.

The distinguishing feature is a pair of verte-braterial canals in the neural arch, through which the blood vessels of the neck pass.

Another feature is the structure of the transverse processes. They are flattened out and are known as cervical ribs.

Thoracic Vertebrae

Each thoracic vertebra has a large centrum ,a large neural canal, neural arch and a long neural spine that projects upwards and backward.

There is a pair of prezygapophyses and postzygapophyses for articulation with other vertebra . They have a pair of short transverse process. The thoracic vertebra also articulates with pair of ribs at tubercular and capitular facets.

Lumbar Vertebrae

Sacral Vertebrae

Caudal Vertebrae

Human beings have only four of these vertebrae which are fused together to form coccyx. Animals with long tails have many caudal vertebrae. A typical caudal vertebra appears as a solid rectangular mass of bone. The entire bone consists of the centrum only.

Appendicular Skeleton

Bones of Fore-limbs

Pectoral girdle

Pectoral girdle is made of scapula, coracoid and clavicle. A cavity known as glenoid cavity occurs at the apex of the scapula. The humerus of the fore limb fits into this cavity.

Ulna and radius

Bones of hind limb

Pelvic Girdle

The pelvic girdle consists of two halves fused at the pubic symphysis. Each half is made up of three fused bones:

The Femur

The femur is the long bone joining the pelvic girdle and the knee. The head of the femur articulates with acetabulum forming the ball and socket joint at the hip. The femur has a long shaft. At the distal end it has condyles that articulate with the tibia to form a hinge joint at the knee. The patella covers the knee joint and prevents the upward movement of the lower leg.

Tibia and Fibula

The tibia is a large bone, and the fibula a smaller bone is fused to it on the distal part.

Joints and Movement

Ajoint is a connection between two or more bones. Joints provide articulation between bones making movement possible. However some joints do not allow any movement e.g. the joints, between bones of the skull.

Gliding joint

e.g., joints which occur between the vertebrae wrists and ankles. The ends of the bones that make the joint are covered with cartilage. The bones are held together by tough ligaments.

Synovial joint

The joint is enclosed by fibrous capsule lined by synovial membrane which secretes synovial fluid into the synovial cavity.

The synovial fluid lubricates the joint. They are called synovial joints. They include hinge joint and ball and socket joint.

Hinge joint

Ball and socket joint.

Types, Locations and Function of Muscles

There are three types of muscles, located at various parts of the body. In order to function all use energy in form of ATP. These include smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscles.

Smooth Muscle (Involuntary Muscles)

Skeletal Muscle (striated or voluntary muscle)

Skeletal muscles are striated and have several nuclei.

Cardiac Muscle

Consist of a network of striated muscle fibres connected by bridges. They are found exclusively in the heart.

Contractions of cardiac muscles are generated from within the muscles and are rhythmic and continuous hence they are myogenic.

They do not tire or fatigue. The rate can be modified by involuntary nervous system. Their contractions result in the heart pumping blood.

Role of muscles in movement of the human arm

Antagonistic muscles of human forelimb

When the muscles contract, the limb acts as a lever with the pivot at the joint. Contraction of biceps muscles bends (flexes) the arm while contractions of triceps extends the arm.

Practical Activities

To observe prepared slides of transverse section of stems of herbaceous and woody plants.

The permanent slide of a herbaceous plant is placed onto the stage of the microscope. Observations under the low power and medium power objective is made. The permanent slide of a woody plant is placed on the stage of the microscope. Observations under the low power and medium power objectives are made. In both cases, support tissues such as parenchyma, collenchyma, sc1erenchyma and xylem are observed.

To observe wilting in young herbaceous plants.

The plant is placed on the bench near a window and left for 3 days without watering on the third and subsequent day.

To examine the exoskeleton in an arthropod.

The exoskeleton is on the outer surface with muscles attached on inner side.

To observe the external features of a finned fish.

Features like scales, fins a streamlined body and an operculum are seen.

To examine bones of the axial skeleton of a rabbit.

Bones of the vertebra column are obtained. These are cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. For each of the bones the distinguishing features are listed down.

To observe bones of appendicular skeleton.

Bones of pectoral girdle and fore limb are obtained i.e., scapula, humerus, ulna and radius. Observations on how the bones articulate with one another is made.


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